Taking care of yourself and others

Leading change is not easy. Understanding and practicing the basics of self-care can make a big difference.
Taking care of yourself and others
I think cats are here to remind us to take better care of ourselves. Photo by Anton Lochov / Unsplash

❀️ If you or anyone you know is in crisis, contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline or dial 911 in case of emergency.

  • Call or text 988.
  • Chat 988lifeline.org.

In addition the Mental Health First Aid portal offers a complete list of mental health resources cataloged by type and situation.

Self care and team care must be top priorities for change leaders

Change leaders as well as their families and teams will often face challenges that prompt anxiety, fear of failure, frustration, loneliness or other negative experiences. Leading change is not easy. Often the individuals and teams involved may feel threatened by changes, or feel uncertainty, anxiety over the unknowns, or a fear of being left behind. Sharp conflict, stonewalling and other forms of resistance or even sabotage can sometimes unfortunately occur - or at least feel like it's occurring.

Understanding and practicing the basics of self-care and resilience - and helping others do the same - can make a big difference.

This learning guide is not intended to serve as an exhaustive resource for mental and physical health, but rather to share a perspectives and resources that relate to scenarios frequently encountered by change leaders.

Managing your thoughts

Ruminating and overthinking - whether it's replaying past losses, embarrassments or humiliations, dwelling on your ex, or dwelling on good old days you wish hadn't ended, rumination takes us away from the opportunities and joys of the present. How to stop (here, and here).

Helpful vs non-helpful venting

Venting isn't always helpful - When you talk about something are you reinforcing negativity? or are you reframing it so you can move forward?

  • Venting that reinforces negativity, including anger or feelings of powerlessness only makes things worse.
  • Venting that reframes can be helpful: talking about something in a way that helps you arrive at a better understanding and broader perspective can help you set a constructive path for moving forward.

Questions that can help reframe

Recovery Village offers a handy set of questions you can use to help someone with social anxiety reframe a situation. As you'll see, these questions can be helpful for other scenarios where you want to reframe and connect to the bigger picture perspective:

  • What is the worst that could happen?
  • What is most likely going to happen?
  • What’s something good that could come out of this?
  • Have you ever felt like this before? You survived it last time.
  • If you look back at this situation years from now, what will you think about it?

More Insights

πŸ’Ž Life is a Tapestry - How to think about and accept your less than perfectly focused life.

πŸ’Ž How to Shift from Anxiety-Driven Work to Intentional Work - When thinking about your next chapter, use this insight to gain clarity about how you're spending your time, what you're focusing on the most, and where that's taking you.

πŸ’Ž How the Open Palm Mindset gives you the power to pivot and leverage unexpected change to find next-level opportunities.

πŸ’Ž Resetting the Bar - how to identify self-imposed limits that creep into our thinking, and then remove them. Includes a suggested exercise you can do to put this insight into action quickly and see results.