S3T Learning Path: Advanced Studies in Artificial Intelligence Governance - AI Safety Advocate


AI Safety Advocate Learning objectives

In this this advanced studies course, participants will gain:

  • A deep understanding of the principles of AI Governance
  • A practical framework for setting up and managing an AI Governance function, to ensure safe and ethical use of AI capabilities.
  • Experience creating a set of sample AI Governance artifacts that they can use to accelerate the establishment and development of a mature AI Governance committee.
  • A practical understanding of the challenges involved in establishing and maintaining a well governed AI Capability.

How the curriculum enables learning and skill acquisition

  • Sessions for learning key concepts.
  • Discussion forums to enhance engagement and provide a platform for peer review, deeper exploration of topics, and facilitate peer-to-peer learning.
  • Presentation session where participants share their final deliverables and lessons learned.

Session schedule

This learning approach uses 3 sessions, 2 discussion forums, and 1 final presentation to introduce, activate and reinforce key lessons and skills:

  • Session 1: Introduction to Learning Objective for the week, and Key Concepts to master.
  • Discussion Forum #1
  • Session 2: Discussion & Clarification of Key Points, Initial Review of Draft Deliverables.
  • Discussion Forum #2
  • Session 3: Presentation of Final Deliverables. Reinforce and celebrate what we learned.

Curriculum Outline

Week 1: Introduction to AI Governance

Class Session 1: Foundations of AI Governance

  • Overview of AI and its impact on society
  • Key principles of AI governance
  • Importance of ethical considerations in AI development and deployment
  • Assignment: Write a 1 page charter for an AI Governance Committee.

Discussion Forum (mid-point between Session 1 and 2): Students meet for open discussion on AI Governance Principles

  • Interactive discussion session (30 min)
    • Sharing an insights or perspectives on AI governance gathered from current tech news or research publications.
    • Discussion on real-world examples of AI governance challenges and successes
    • Analysis of current AI regulations and their effectiveness
  • Group review and refinement of your initial draft (30 min)
    • Share your initial draft and ask for feedback
    • Incorporate 1 or more elements of feedback into your draft.

Week 2: Policy and Regulatory Frameworks

Class Session 2: Global and Regional AI Policies

  • Examination of international AI policies and regulatory frameworks
  • Comparative analysis of AI regulations in different regions (e.g., EU, US, Asia)
  • The role of governmental and non-governmental organizations in AI governance
  • Assignment: Write a membership roster and voting rules for an AI Governance Committee

Discussion Forum #2 (mid-point between Session 2 and 3): Students meet for open discussion on Policy Debate and Discussion

  • Discussion
    • Compare different AI policy approaches (State first, Person first, Company first)
    • Evaluating the effectiveness of existing regulations (in local or national jurisdictions)
    • Discuss the role of stakeholders in policy-making: who are the key stakeholders? Do any deserve a stronger voice in decisions?
  • Group activity:
    • Engaging in a policy development brainstorming session
    • Drafting policy recommendations for AI governance

Week 3: Implementing and Enforcing AI Governance

Class Session 3: Strategies for Effective AI Governance

Lecture Session

  • Tools and methodologies for implementing AI governance
  • Risk management and mitigation strategies in AI
  • The role of transparency and accountability in AI systems
  • Assignment: Write the Voting Rules for an AI Governance Committee.


  • Each learner or team presents their Safe AI Governance framework, including Charter, Membership Roster and Voting Rules.
  • Class review and discussion
  • Open discussion on the ethical implications of emerging AI technologies

Course Wrap-Up

  • Summary of key learnings and takeaways
  • Q&A session to address remaining questions and insights
  • Final thoughts and reflections on the future of AI governance
  • How to add your badges to LinkedIn or other online venues.